He functions as a decent early game Tank with access to a lot of Taunts, some Shielding, and even some other neat effects like Skill Mirror and Stun. He has great love for teddy bears to the point he would get extremely stressed out if they get destroyed in-game. Delirious created his YouTube channel in mid-2007.
‘EXP I Delirious’ was his original gamertag.
The username “H2ODelirious” was created after Delirious joined an H2O clan in Gears of War. In July 2018, he branched away from being included in videos with VanossGaming, he admitted that he just mainly wanted to be known as a friend of Evan, and to focus on his own ventures in his career. Lui Calibre on Twitter: I’m Spanish/Guamanian.” Why did Miniladd leave the vanoss crew? What ethnicity is Lui I’m Spanish/Guamanian. He currently has 3M+ subscribers, and 301M+ views on his YouTube Channel. Lui Calibre is a 31-year-old YouTuber based in San Diego, CA. Victims allege Calibre, who has over 5 million subscribers, used his “fame” to “prey on, manipulate, and abuse girls.” What age is Lui Calibre? YouTube star streamer and content creator Lui Calibre is now facing new allegations of sexually harassing and assaulting minors. Koralle Brutalis is a good counter, since he is an Earth monster.What happened to Lui Calibre? Lui most likely stepped down from gaming due to several allegations that came out against him that describe his predatory and abusive behavior toward women. Any Taunt users can direct Lui's attacks toward them since he has no AoEs.He is easily denied by anything except Freeze.Good Dark attackers can easily defeat this abusive ape.Recommended Relics: Thetys' Armor, Morgz's Armor, Nebotus Armor Tenacity Shield, Hiroim's Shield, Wangzhou's Shield, Vanoss2099's Shield Counters Recommended Runes: 2 Strength, 1 Team Speed 1 Life, 2 Team Speed 1 Life, 1 Strength, 1 Speed/Team Speed Squaker Squad / I Got This / Get Off Me, Punk (Squad for 45 Earth dmg + Stun, 28s, 2 CD) / (This for 75 Earth dmg, 28, 2 CD) / (Punk for Self 50% Shield + Skill Mirror, 27s, 2 CD).High Pitch Voice (60 Earth dmg, 28s, 0 CD).Undercover Kid (Self 20% Shield + Taunt, 27, 1 CD).Grand Shield Auto (Self 50% Shield + Taunt + Skill Mirror, 30s, 3 CD).Most of his skills are Earth-based, making him weak against other Earth monsters.Can only apply Stun and Daze to enemies.Bad stats, especially his atrocious life for a Tank.Nice tanking moves and sustainability in Shields, Skill Mirrors, and Taunt.Lui Calibre, one of the many YouTubers who got their avatar into the Monster Legends universe. He functions as a decent early game Tank with access to a lot of Taunts, some Shielding, and even some other neat effects like Skill Mirror and Stun.